Innovator Founder Services
Consilium – Legacy Endorsing Body
Consilium was appointed by the UK Home Office as an Endorsing Body in March 2020 for Tier 1 Innovator Visa and Start Up Visa Programmes. Consilium was using these programmes to attract innovators and entrepreneurs to Wales, bringing with them great technology-based solutions that have the potential to disrupt the market and scale.
Consilium is supporting Innovator Founder Applicants by getting them “Endorsement Ready.”
1. Assess
2. Advise
3. Prepare
4. Mentor
Getting Endorsement Ready
Consilium has endorsed over 100 Entrepreneurs and Innovators over the past 3 years. Consilium have Endorsed clients across all sectors creating innovative businesses with appropriate professional backgrounds and technical expertise.
Consilium is well placed having worked with the UK Home Office for 3 years understanding the core criteria of Innovation, Viability and Scalability. Consilium also have experience of how to formulate these aspects into a robust business plan and put together a 5-year road map ensuring all aspects are discussed in detail.
Consilium can support any new applicants applying for the Innovator Founder Visa to write a fit for purpose business plan which can be used alongside the submission documents when applying for the Innovator Founder Visa. Consilium will cover key parts such as objectives, strategies, sales, marketing, and financial forecasts. Consilium will assist the applicant in clarifying their business idea, spot potential problems, help to set realistic targets and put in a roadmap to measure progress.
This can be further supplemented by value added business services. These include on-going mentoring especially for those applicants that have never run a business in the UK. Consilium can also assist in setting up companies for the applicants in the UK and providing virtual office addresses. This goes onto registering with Companies House, HMRC and VAT. There is also opportunity to network with other professionals to help the applicants navigate the commercial landscape in the UK. Consilium will introduce Accountants, Lawyers, Marketing & Social Media Specialists, HR Experts, IP/Patent Specialists, R&D Experts, and IT (Website Development, Server Hosting) Developers. None of these value-add services are mandatory but are tailored around the needs of the applicant and their business.
In order to apply, please complete the below application form: