Business Advisory

Business Planning

Putting together the right business plan is the key to your business succeeding. A well-crafted business plan can help you to secure finance, prioritise your efforts in the right areas and evaluate opportunities. The formula is the same for start-up businesses as well as for established ones albeit the strategy and detail may differ. 

The starting point for us at Consilium is understanding the audience. Who is going to read it?
What is the purpose of the plan?
Is it to secure funding, Succession Planning, Strategic Development… or is the company is trying to attract a business partner?

Key facts and figures will remain pretty much the same, but there will be occasions where the business plan requires different versions to specific audiences. For example, a potential investor will be looking for a clear strategy in how the business will scale and grow, giving them a healthy return on their investment. If it’s a Grant Application, then the same business has to demonstrate serious pressure on cash-flow to qualify for assistance.  

There are volumes of tips and templates on the internet of how to write business plans which is enough to get you going. Consilium add value by guiding the client to develop clear objectives for the business, and then putting together a plan that will resonate with your intended audience.

Consilium can help you to implement a strategy for your business, fill gaps and answer needs that all successful businesses face on a daily basis. 

Once the client has a fully worked strategic plan, they are then in the best position to attract finance be it equity or debt. Consilium have learnt what investors look for through our close relationships; and how to gain best advantage in the maze that is the investor community. Consilium will ensure the client is in the best possible position to make their next move a game changer whether that is via Equity, Debt Finance, or even Grants.

Business Strategy

A business without strategy is the same as ship without a rudder. Consilium have expertise in assisting businesses whether they are looking to raise funding, going through expansion, preparing for an acquisition journey, succession planning or even looking for exit either though an IPO or a trade sale.  

The experienced team at Consilium can help the client’s management team with a fresh perspective, explore creative ideas, stress test any proposals and assist in building value to the proposition. Consilium understand the art of navigating a challenging market or managing growth with measures ensuring longevity.  

Consilium recognise that value is gained by right positioning of the brand, having robust systems and procedures built on best practice and having the right team in place to execute the strategy. In the age of technology, Consilium helps you devise a strategy so you keep pace with constant change – ensuring you are not left behind.

Financial Forecasting

Business owners rarely enjoy sitting down and working on financial forecasts. Many feel it is far more productive to spend the time on actually developing the business rather than playing with spreadsheets. However, in today’s world financial forecasts are a absolute necessity. 

A good set of financial forecasts assist in meeting business goals, alongside helping business owners to keep a firm hand on the pulse of cash-flow; and more importantly they are needed to attract investment or finance into the business.

Financial forecasts also help to develop long term strategic plans. Inaccurate forecasts can upset investors, and can be often a cause for mismanaging costs, leading the business to run out of cash. 

Consilium have a very strong accounting team who can assist in putting together robust financial forecasts for any business. Depending on the need of the client, Consilium can prepare monthly financial forecasts as they may be necessary when starting your business, experiencing rapid growth, or having financial difficulties.

The advantage of regular forecasts are that they allow you to closely monitor your finances – and develop strategies to fix problems before they become major issues. They are an important monitoring tool so that any change can be tracked and noted allowing for “no surprises”.

A full set of financial forecasts will come with:

Non Executive Director (NED) Placements

Consilium promote strong Non-Executive Directors (NEDs) to businesses who bring value by providing independent oversight and constructive challenge to the executive directors. This is an important contribution to the governance and proper running of the company. 

Consilium firmly believe that a strong NED can often unlock the potential of a business and help the senior team in navigating in challenging times. NEDs are usually chosen because they have a breadth of experience, are of an appropriate calibre and have particular personal qualities. 

Additionally, they may have some specialist knowledge that will provide the board with valuable insights or, perhaps, key contacts in related industries or the City. Of the utmost importance is their independence of the company management and any of its ‘interested parties’. This means they can bring a degree of objectivity to the board’s deliberations, and play a valuable role in monitoring executive management.

Consilium have access to a number of seasoned consultants who have spent many years in industry shaping and mentoring businesses – be it a start-up or a business that is going through a growth phase. Consilium will ensure the right consultant is brought to a client’s board, ensuring their next phase in business drives them upwards and onwards.

Market Research

Consilium firmly believe a business that understands its customers and their buying habits can sell more effectively, will be a step ahead of the market, will be creative in targeting new customers and identify new opportunities much quicker. Technology has extra pace to the marketplace, therefore standing still is no longer an option. Consilium understand the importance of cementing your position in the market and then growing your client base. 

In today’s highly competitive market, it is much harder to succeed in business by just blending into the background. The right market research will enable you to work on your unique selling points; which will make an immediate impression and draw customers away from the competition over to you. 

Consilium will help clients gain insight to provide competitive advantages to organisations. We can perform research on traditional sectors such as retail, property or manufacturing as well as the current trending tech-driven businesses in FinTech, EdTech and MedTech.


1. Scoping

The starting point for Consilium is to determine where the client is in their journey.
Direction Arrows

2. Strategy

Having a clear roadmap with set milestones to ensure goals are met on time and the objectives of the business will meet its set deadline.
Direction Arrows

3. Drafting

Focus is now on putting together a technical overview with a detailed explanation. Consilium ensure we have covered all aspects of client needs and have a proposal which will be a game-changer.
Direction Arrows

4. Completion

Documenting the Business Plan with a full set of robust financials, stress test modeling, strategy and a set of recommendations for the future.

Get in touch to find out more.

Cardiff Office

Consilium Consulting (Cardiff) Limited
Cardiff Bay Business Centre
Ocean Park, Lewis Road
CF24 5BS

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Consilium Consulting (Cardiff) Limited, incorporated in England and Wales. Registered Address: Cardiff Bay Business Centre Lewis Road, Ocean Park, Cardiff, CF24 5BS. Registered number 08888158.